Child counseling helps children express their emotions, fears, confusion and anxiety. It facilitates change in their behavior.

Most common issue amongst the children is low sell-esteem and confidence. This leads to poor performance, depression and anxiety. They may feel worthless and unloved, that is expressed in their behavior.

Child counseling will help them to overcome these issues and live healthy life. In sessions child learns self-acceptance, gains confidence and self-esteem.

Reena Saini

Exam Anxiety

Exams create a lot of stress not just for kids and teenagers but for adults as well. This anxiety has many layers, it is fear of judgment, fear of failure, fear of disappointing parents, fear of not being good enough so on and so forth.

Reena Saini

Sport Performance

Enhance Sports Performance with Hypnotherapy. To be a successful sportsperson it is important to maintain high levels of physical fitness as well as sharp mental focus. In addition, it is essential to control anxiety levels before and during the game. In sports this experience is known as “Ideal Performing State” or “Being in the Zone”.

Reena Saini

Stammering / Stuttering

Stop Stuttering / Stammering With Hypnotherapy. Stuttering is a common problem with young children. Most often than not, it is a passing phase and many children overcome it spontaneously and learn to communicate efficiently. If the stuttering doesn’t stop, there could be many reasons for it.

Reena Saini

Memory & Focus

Exams create a lot of stress not just for kids and teenagers but for adults as well. This anxiety has many layers, it is fear of judgment, fear of failure, fear of disappointing parents, fear of not being good enough so on and so forth.

Reena Saini

Bed Wetting / Enuresis

There are many reasons for bedwetting, from emotional trauma to excessively deep sleep and lack of motivation, etc. Nevertheless, it is important to evaluate the condition through the child’s pediatrician and get a urine analysis test done, to eradicate any medical causes for the enuresis.

Reena Saini

Book Your Consultation

Talk to the hypnotherapist on the phone before scheduling a session, to understand your conditions better and choose the right treatment procedure. 

Our Core Practices

No matter how many or to what depth you want to discuss with us, we prioritize listening to all your concerns and address to absolute fulfillment.