
This page is used to help answer any possible questions that you may have, about what our services are about, and how they may apply and benefit your life.

During my hypnotherapy session with Reena, I was able to address old issues of child abuse and spousal abuse that had been resurfacing for me. She helped me find positive “solutions” to my predicament. After my session, I experienced a very powerful healing “vision” that reinforced the positive solutions she had designed for me. The results were absolutely magical and unexpected. I’m very grateful for the session I had with her.

– Anonymous Client, Gurgaon, India

Reena Saini’s techniques helped me to open up, and clear out some subtle negativities in my system. She is caring, experienced and the real thing!

– Anonymous Client, Sydney, Australia

I was suffering from panic attacks and anxiety. I had a traumatic incident that caused me to feel unable to concentrate on freeway driving, and also leaked into general concentration of normal focus on my daily activities.​
In one 60 minute session, Reena was able to relax me, get me to a state where I could focus on my feeling of trauma, and find a way to confront the feeling. Since that brief session, I have not experienced any panic attacks, and feel more grounded and peaceful than I have felt since before my anxiety began. I can still feel the anxiety deep inside me, but after just one 60 minute session I think the results are remarkable.​
I believe Reena is a true healer. We are fortunate to meet someone like her in our life, because she truly believes in the power of healing and humanity. Reena is a true friend of humanity, and I would recommend her to anyone who is looking for a genuine and true healer. She happens to believe passionately in hypnotherapy.​

– Anonymous Client, London, UK

I never bothered about anxiety and depression until I started seeing it making me irritated and grumpy. I used to behave badly with my family and employees. Later realised it was a depression and anxiety out of business tensions. Reena helped me control my emotions and become more thoughtful for my activities.

– Anonymous Client, New Delhi, India

I was so reluctant to admit that something deeply sad is inside me. I could not express what was it that was bothering me. I started taking addictive drugs but it was worsening. Thanks I discovered hypnotherapy. Thank you Reena. It often happens we suffer but we can’t identify what is it. A therapist can help! You can trust Reena’s judgement on this.

– Anonymous Client, Gurgaon, India

When I finally found Reena, it was by no accident. I was trying to find an answer to, and a “cure” for the panic attacks and anxiety I use to experience daily for most of my adult life. They stemmed from my childhood and post marriage.

Seeking the advice of my family physician I was referred to a Psychiatrist. After speaking with me for approximately 10 minutes, he decided I was Psychotic disorder (Schizophrenia) patient. Soon I found myself taking several medications as Olimelt, Clozapin, Chlorpromazine and the list continues. The panic attacks continued and becoming worsening.

I kept seeing my Psychiatrist for years and he told me that it would be extremely hard and may take years to conquer and control the issues I had, as they were buried so deeply in my subconscious. So one day I stopped myself and thought, “Who deals with the subconscious? If the problem lies there, shouldn’t that become the focus?” What I also found while in these sessions was that by talking about the same thing over and over I was constantly reminding myself of the problems I faced, and the hurdles that lay ahead of me, only deepening my belief about a painful and near impossible recovery.

Finally, after 11 years, a friend of mine told me about Reena Saini’s hypnotherapy techniques and I was referred to her. I called her the same day. My life changed forever after only two sessions with her. As I explained to Reena later, I have no idea how to put into words the overwhelming positive changes in my life since seeing her.

In my first conversation with her, I honestly felt an immediate sense of relief. I knew it was where I would find the help I needed. I can’t explain it, I can’t. I immediately knew that this was where my story would begin.

Today I am medication free, panic anxiety free and sleep sound nights. I have my family and professional life back. I am even respected by my family now. Before my sessions with Reena, I was about to lose my life, I was resentful of and alienated from my own family, and my husband and kids were afraid of me. Now, my life is amazing. I am happy and at peace. I am a different person all together. I even participate in friends get together and home parties now. My relationship with my husband and kids has never been better. I think of all the years I spent “talking, thinking” about my problems and all the money I spent, and the years I spent in agony. Now I can only smile because that is all part of my past.

All I can say is that you have nothing to lose, and a new life to gain, by trying a hypnosis session with Reena Saini!
– Anonymous Client, New Delhi, India

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No matter how many or to what depth you want to discuss with us, we prioritize listening to all your concerns and address to absolute fulfillment.

Want to discuss anonymously? Write an email: info@reenasaini.com