Hypnotherapy for Weight Management

On the surface, it appears to be a straightforward task: eat less or more, exercise correctly, and you will reach your objective. Many customers lament the fact that they’ve tried everything and come up short. People frequently gain all of the weight they lost plus extra after following restrictive diets. Obesity-related health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease are all caused by overeating and bad eating habits.

Overeating and unhealthy food habits are the primary contributors to unhealthy weight gain!

When you’re stressed, eating might become a coping technique. Eating may be a comforting activity when a person is experiencing an unpleasant emotional state such as loneliness, melancholy, guilt, worry, and so on. Regrettably, thoughtless eating leads to feelings of shame and powerlessness. On a subconscious level, there is frequently a good goal to be obese. Obesity, in many cases, guarantees a person’s protection and security in the face of deprivation or abuse.

All of these acts have a concealed good motive, which is why it’s critical to remember. You can identify the positive intention at a subconscious level with the help of a skilled therapist, and then allow the most powerful part of you to make a better choice to satisfy this intention, thus replacing unhealthy and self-destructive habits with new, exciting, life-affirming, and empowering ones.


Hypnotherapy is a non-invasive, safe, and natural way to reduce weight. It tackles the underlying psychological root of the problem, ensuring long-term outcomes.

It is, of course, necessary to modify your eating habits in order to lose weight permanently. The human body has its own inherent intelligence and capacity to convey true hunger, digest food, and maintain a healthy body weight. One is in touch with this intellect when eating becomes a conscious activity.

With the help of hypnotherapy you will be able to:
  • Change your relationship with food
  • Eat mindfully
  • Identify underlying emotional causes of overeating
  • Identify the positive intention or the “secondary gain” of unwanted behavior (overeating/binge eating/obsessive dieting) and create new healthy choices to support weight management
  • Eliminate unconscious cravings or urges
  • Stay positive and motivated
  • Increase self-esteem and confidence
  • Regain your health back
  • Achieve your ideal body weight and maintain it

With the help of various techniques available within the ambit of hypnosis and NLP, clients learn to communicate with their subconscious clearly and courageously and the rest, as they say, is history. 

The duration of treatment for a person seeking hypnotherapeutic intervention for weight management cannot be pre-determined and must be assessed on a case by case basis.

Our Core Practices

No matter how many or to what depth you want to discuss with us, we prioritize listening to all your concerns and address to absolute fulfillment.